Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to create localhost on your computer

Or you may go to Click here(If you use windows)Click here if your operating system is different to download xampp 1.7.7
If you want to design a website, You would surely don't want to take chance that something went wrong when you uploaded files on internet. So here is soution, Just download xampp and get a host on your computer. To do this follow these steps-
1. Go to google type xampp and select first option. You will be redirected to the page like this-
2. Here you select your operating system and  You will be redirected to a page like this ----
3. Here you should scroll down until you reach a page like this -----

Click the installer, because it is of minimum file size and is easy to use. You don't need to extract manually as in other type of files. You will be redirected to page like this----

Your Download will start in few seconds and after completion of it. You should open the file and setup will show Welcome message as shown below -----

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Embee pay registration - Earn Mobile topups for free

Embee pay is an app for making mobile recharge and gifts free of cost. In this page you will know how to register there and start earning embee pay points.

1.First of all go to embeepay register page by clicking here. Then you will be redirected to a page like this -

2. Then click Go to App button on the page. You will be redirected to a new page such as this -
3. Then in phone number field enter your mobile number without any hyphen, comma or spaces etc. In country field select your country. Now it takes some time to load mobile carriers. So when it is loaded select your mobile company. Check the i accept terms checkbox. At last click register. You are registered now. You only need to verify your mobile. The next step is to verify the mobile.
4. Click on Validate phone number and get 50 free embee points! A message will appear like this.
5. Now click SMS validate, a message will be shown like this - 

6. Now click next, Again a message will be shown and another will be recieved on your mobile containing code. Enter that code in Authorization Code: field. 

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